raisins in soda

For some people in my family, there’s no good use for a raisin. I happen to disagree. I love them mixed in with nuts and candies, and I also discovered that they make for a great science investigation. When someone set aside all of their raisins, I decided to take video of what happens when I put them in soda water:

When you watch this, you probably have some observations, ideas, and questions. What makes the raisins go up and down? Why are some stuck on the bottom? Why doesn’t my family like raisins? For me, the more closely I look, the more questions I have and the more different things I’d like to try out.

While you’re thinking about this, here’s another video of the same raisins. This one is up close, and most of this video is shown in slow motion so that you can look really closely at some things going on.

You might want to look at this a few times closely, but maybe this is just the first step. If someone in your family doesn’t like raisins and shares them with you, maybe you’ll put them in a favorite drink and see what happens. There could be other liquids and other objects that could do similar things.