writing teaches writing

When I started this project with the luxury of a sabbatical, I pictured what many others probably imagine. I would be sequestered away in an upstairs room — an image that now strikes me as…

a church on the corner

I walked up to the church on the corner, its blue sign with neon tubes performing the simple task of identifying the building. Traffic passed by at regular intervals in phase with the stoplight. I’d…

working in phase

I’m continuously trying make sense of things I’m working on this year, and to do this I have compiled a mess of writings and photos comparing one of the most iconic museums in America to…

getting back on

Today, Grace got bucked off her horse; and then she got back on again. I wouldn’t put so fine a point on this except for the fact that it’s kind of a big deal, falling…

most astounding facts

One of my reliable nightmares involves getting thrust into the center of a situation in which I have absolutely no expertise and absolutely no right. I am the quarterback in the center of a huddle…

on collaboration

A few months ago, my friend Cheyenne invited me to a gathering of musicians. These were real musicians, people who actually perform and go to songwriting conferences and generally really know what they’re doing. The…

on yoga

It took me only about two minutes of yoga class to realize that I don’t need to write about yoga class.* Writing about it right here and now, just a couple hours after class, is…

accidental education

It’s just below the Marge Simpson tree, heading to the right … from the green area to the sagey area. This was the kind of guidance we were relaying to one another as we pointed…

bodies in motion

I should do more yoga. This was the first thing I wrote down on my notepad as I was sitting cross-legged on the floor. I was in a circle amongst the 13 dance students who…